Sunday, December 6, 2009

Marketing Management - Obj & Question


» Multiple Choice Questions
1. When a company acquires a supplier through an acquisition strategy, this is referred to as :
(a) backward integration (b) forward integration
(c) vertical marketing system (d) horizontal integration
Ans. (a)
2. What is the statement of the organisation’s purpose?
(a) Organisational intent (b) Organisational prosperity
(c) Mission statement (d) Organisational prospective
Ans. (c)
3. Corporate strategy is :
(a) the implementation of plans to achieve long-term aims
(b) reactive to short-term competitive activity
(c) more specific and practical than marketing strategy
(d) decided by functional marketing strategy
Ans. (a)
4. The organized movement of citizens and government agencies to improve the rights and power of buyers in relation to sellers is called :
(a) Liberalism (b) consumerism
(c) individualism (d) fascism
Ans. (b)
5. The principle of enlightened marketing that requires the company to seek real product and marketing improvements continuously is called :
(a) value marketing (b) consumer-oriented marketing
(c) sense-of-mission marketing (d) innovative marketing
Ans. (d)
6. Using misleading labelling is a form of :
(a) deceptive pricing (b) deceptive packaging
(c) excessive markups (d) deceptive promotion
Ans. (b)
7. The twofold goal of marketing is to keep and grow current customers by delivering
satisfaction, and to :
(a) Attract new customers by promising superior value
(b) Win awards for promotional and marketing excellence
(c) Enhance stockholder portfolios
(d) Pay low overhead costs
Ans. (a)
8. Which of the following phrases best identifies how marketing must be understood
today ?
(a) “Satisfy customer needs” (b) “Market to youth-they drive the market”
(c) “Telling and selling” (d) “Spend the most money, get the best results”
Ans. (a)
9. Which of the following is defined as being a social and managerial process by which
individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging
products and values with others ?
(a) Marketing (b) Economics
(c) Psychology (d) Management
Ans. (a)
10. Which of the following would be an appropriate definition for a “need” ?
(a) The form taken by a human need as shaped by culture and individual personality
(b) Human wants that are backed by buying power
(c) Any activity or benefit that one party can offer to another
(d) A state of felt deprivation
Ans. (d)
11. A _______________ is anything that can be offered to a market to satisfy a want or
need :
(a) Management goal (b) Service
(c) Product (d) Demand
Ans. (c)
12. Customer satisfaction is_____________.
(a) the extent to which a product’s perceived performance in delivering value matches a buyer’s expectations.
(b) an approach in which all the company’s people are involved in constantly improving the quality of products, services, and business processes.
(c) the extent to which a product’s worth is measured in quantitative terms.
(d) the difference between the values the customer gains from owning and using a product and the costs of obtaining the product.
13. If a consumer goes through the act of obtaining a desired object from someone by offering something in return, the consumer has just gone through the act of :
(a) Exchange (b) Relationship marketing
(c) Transaction (d) Marketing
Ans. (a)
14. If a business wants to build strong economic and social connections by promising and consistently delivering high-quality products, good service, and fair prices, the business will probably engage in :
(a) Production marketing (b) Social marketing
(c) Relationship marketing (d) Sales and promotion marketing
Ans. (c)
15. _________ involves managing demand, which in turn involves managing customer relationship.
(a) Direct marketing (b) Production management
(c) Marketing management (d) Advertising
Ans. (c)
16. There are five alternative concepts under which organizations conduct their marketing activities. Which concept holds that consumers will favor products that are available and highly affordable?
(a) Product Concept (b) Production Concept
(c) Marketing Concept (d) Selling Concept
Ans. (b)
17. If General Electric used a theme of “We’re not satisfied until you are” then it would be following which of the following concepts ?
(a) Marketing concept (b) Production concept
(c) Selling concept (d) Product concept
Ans. (a)
18. In the new millennium, marketing will make connections. Which of the connections would be most likely if marketing wished to broaden its connections ?
(a) Connections with Customers (b) Connections with Marketing Partners
(c) Connections with Employees (d) Connections with the world around us
Ans. (d)
19. Which of the following increased marketer’s interest in consumer behavior in the
1950’s and 1960’s ?
(a) marketer’s realized that current marketing theory failed to explain consumer’s actions
(b) consumers became more aware of environmental issues
(c) the opening of international and global markets
(d) all of the above
Ans. (d)
20. Marketing efforts and sociological influences on the consumer are aspects of which stage in the consumer decision-making model?
(a) the process stage (b) the input stage
(c) the post-purchase evaluation (d) the output stage
Ans. (b)
21. How do the marketing concept and the societal marketing concept differ?
(a) The social marketing concept considers it unethical to fulfill target audiences needs if, by doing so, the individual or society is harmed
(b) The marketing concept focuses on the needs of the individual and the producer. The societal marketing concept balances these needs with societal needs
(c) The marketing concept focuses on short-term increases in market shares and quick profits. The societal marketing concept focuses on long-term profit, based on customer loyalty and healthier societies
(d) all of the above
Ans. (d)
22. Which consumer-oriented marketing strategy assumes that marketers should make and sell what customers want or need?
(a) the societal marketing concept (b) the marketing concept
(c) the selling concept (d) the consumer concept
Ans. (b)
23. Consumer behaviour is an interdisciplinary science drawing heavily on the research and theories from which other discipline?
(a) economics (b) sociology
(c) cultural anthropology (d) social psychology
(e) psychology (f) all of the above
Ans. (f)
24. Which stage in the decision-making process considers both purchase and post-purchase evaluation?
(a) input stage (b) psychological field
(c) process stage (d) sociocultural environment
(e) output stage
Ans. (e)
25. We study consumer behaviour for which of the following reasons?
(a) to assist in the development of consumer protection legislation and public policy
(b) product life cycles have shortened
(c) computer technology and statistical techniques have made it easier to research consumer behaviours
(d) the public is becoming increasingly concerned about environmental issues
(e) all of the above
Ans. (e)
26. Which marketing strategy assumes that marketers should actively and aggressively persuade consumers to purchase the product?
(a) selling orientation (b) marketing concept
(c) production orientation (d) product orientation
Ans. (a)
27. _________ is the process of dividing a market into subsets of consumers with common needs or characteristics.
(a) the marketing mix (b) positioning
(c) targeting (d) market segmentation
Ans. (d)
28. _________ is the individual’s perception of the performance of the product or service in relation to his or her expectations:
(a) customer profitability-focused marketing (b) customer satisfaction
(c) customer value (d) positioning
Ans. (b)
29. _________ is developing a distinct image for the product or service in the mind of consumers.
(a) market segmentation (b) positioning
(c) the marketing mix (d) targeting
Ans. (b)
30. The mode of entry into a foreign market cannot be through the following concept:
(a) exports (b) licenses
(c) franchising (d) cartel arrangement
(e) joint venturing
Ans. (d)
31. What is a company’s marketing environment?
(a) Actors and forces outside of a company, and the marketing functions that affect marketing management
(b) The climate and natural world
(c) The land area around a company’s headquarter
(d) The marketing department within a company
Ans. (a)
32. What is a company’s micro environment?
(a) The detailed processes needed to achieve Total Quality Control
(b) A company’s operating policies
(c) A company’s departments, suppliers, and other publics which make up its value delivery chain
(d) The machines and tools a company uses to make the products
Ans. (c)
33. What are marketing intermediaries?
(a) Firms that help the company promote, sell and distribute its goods to final buyers
(b) Wholesalers
(c) Retailers
(d) Competitors that come between a company and its customers
Ans. (a)
34. What is the name for the study of human populations in terms of size, density, location, age, gender, race, and other such details?
(a) Sociophysics (b) Demographics
(c) Statistics (d) The census
Ans. (b)
35. Which of the following is not trend in the natural environment?
(a) Reduced cost of energy (b) Shortage of raw materials
(c) Increased pollution (d) Government intervention in natural resource management
Ans. (d)
36. The cultural environment is critical to global marketing. Of what does a cultural environment consist?
(a) Education (b) Religion
(c) Forces that affect a society’s basic values and behaviour
(d) People of similar skin colour
Ans. (c)
37. In order to implement customer relations management, there must be :
(a) a top-down commitment permeating every aspect of a firm’s business.
(b) a certain minimum size for the firm-tiny firms just can’t do it.
(c) the recognition that individual firms can do this by themselves without regard to their relationships with other firms or their customers.
(d) certain limits to a firm’s operational size – a company with far-flung operations is not in a position to apply this technique
(e) the precedent of some other firm in the industry having done so.
Ans. (a)
38. Which of the following statements is correct?
(a) Marketing is the term used to refer only to the sales function within a firm.
(b) Marketing managers usually don’t get involved in production or distribution decisions.
(c) Marketing is an activity that considers only the needs of the organization, not the needs of society as a whole.
(d) Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods. Services, organizations, and events to create and maintain relationships that will satisfy individual and organizational objectives.

(e) Marketing is the term used to refer only to the advertising within a firm.
Ans. (d)
39. Because personal selling is taking on a more prominent role in the corporate marketing mix, selling today :
(a) requires fewer and less intensive communication skills than previously.
(b) involves more use of communications and computer technologies.
(c) has become a less attractive career for college graduates.
(d) offers fewer job prospects for those who wish to enter the profession.
(e) places greater focus on short-term persuasion, with less emphasis on consultation and problem solving.
Ans. (b)
40. The idea that a large per cent of a product’s sales revenues come from a relatively small, loyal group of its purchasers is the :
(a) true blue syndrome (b) cohort effect
(c) 80/20 principle (d) purchase aggregation basis
(e) traditional believers effects
Ans. (c)
41. When marketing partners share the cost of a promotional campaign that meets their mutual needs, the general term for the activity is :
(a) mutual support (b) cross promotion
(c) spending push money (d) trading promotion
(e) partnership advertising
Ans. (b)
42. Television advertising that suggests that consumers take a proactive role in family health care by requesting that their physicians prescribe specific medications they see advertised raises issues of ethics in :
(a) product strategy (b) price strategy
(c) packaging strategy (d) distribution strategy
(e) promotion strategy
Ans. (e)
43. Showroom retailers are able to offer low prices as a result of :
(a) larger physical location
(b) inexpensive warehouse space, reduced shoplifting losses, and long lived products.
(c) high volume of perishable items.
(d) quick purchase process because of a large number of service representatives.
(e) offering a very small number of high volume items.
Ans. (d)
44. The gap between what customers expect and what they receive when dealing with a firm is :
(a) related to the price they paid for something, not its quality.
(b) always positive because the higher of the two values is counted first.
(c) impossible to measure because it’s subjective, not objective.
(d) one measure of their satisfaction with a firm and its products.
(e) one of the traditional methods of testing new products.
45. In SWOT analysis, a “vulnerability” occurs when :
(a) internal organizational weaknesses prevent taking advantage of an opportunity.
(b) environmental threats are posed to organizational strengths.
(c) organizational strengths grasp opportunities.
(d) environment threats attack organizational weakness.
(e) organizational strengths prevent improving environmental weaknesses.
Ans. (d)
46. In an integrated marketing communications, which of the following is not one of the ways in which a customer may have contact with the organization?
(a) direct mail (b) personal letters from competitors
(c) personal selling (d) internet messages
(e) media advertising
Ans. (b)
47. Demand is said to be inelastic when :
(a) the demand curve and the supply curve do not cross.
(b) total cost and total revenue are equal at all levels of demand.
(c) the calculated elasticity of demand is less than 1.
(d) the calculated elasticity of demand is greater than 1.
(e) the calculated elasticity of demand is equal 1.
Ans. (c)
48. Profit maximization is :
(a) a volume pricing objective.
(b) not a pricing objective.
(c) determined by the point at which the marginal revenue curve intersects the marginal cost curve.
(d) achieved by most firms in the market place.
(e) the addition to total costs balanced by the increase in total quantity sold.
Ans. (a)
49. Examples of products having target markets differentiated by age group are :
(a) headache and cold remedies.
(b) nostalgic products and retro toys like Sock Monkey.
(c) cookies, candies, and baking goods.
(d) automotive motor oil and gasoline.
(e) tissue paper, towels, and plastic utensils.
Ans. (a)
50. Which of the following is not a part of an organization’s macro-environment?
(a) Political environment (b) Economic environment
(c) Social environment (d) Internal environment
Ans. (d)
51. In a market where demand from customers is strong, but the organization faces acute shortages of staff, which element of its marketing environment is likely to be most important corporate planning?
(a) Internal environment (b) Regulatory environment
(c) Macro-economic environment (d) Micro-economic environment
Ans. (a)
52. Which of the following is not part of an organization’s intermediate-environment ?
(a) Channel intermediaries (b) Customers
(c Statue legislation (d) Suppliers
Ans. (c)
53. Which of the following is not a true statement about recent demographic change in the developed economies ?
(a) Household size has been constantly falling
(b) The average number of children in a family has been consistently falling
(c) The birth rate is consistently rising quickly
(d) The number of very large households has been consistently falling
Ans. (c)
54. Which of the following is not true of changes in a firm’s technological environment ?
(a) New technology always for new ways of communicating with a firm’s customers
(b) New technology always leads to benefits for firms
(c) New technology can allow new goods and services to be developed
(d) New technology can allow new distribution opportunities
Ans. (b)
55. Local community groups, road safety campaigning organizations and government agencies are necessarily __________ a car manufacturer.
(a) pressure groups on (b) regulators of
(c) intermediaries for (d) shareholders of
Ans. (b)
56. Within the micro-environment, a channel of distribution can best be described as :
(a) all of the retailers in a country who stock a particular type of product
(b) all of those people and organizations involved in the process of transferring a product from the producer to the consumer
(c) a route plan for a country’s fleet of delivery trucks, designed to minimize the cost per delivery
(d) a route plan for a country’s fleet of delivery trucks, designed to maximize the speed of delivery
Ans. (b)
57. SLEPT is widely used by marketers in analyzing their marketing environment. It is an acronym for :
(a) Systems, Leadership, Empowerment, People and Tactics
(b) Strategy, Leadership, Environment, Planning and Tactics
(c) Social Legislation, Economic, Political and Technology
(d) Socio, Legal, Economic, Political and Technology
Ans. (d)
58. A commercial company that explicitly takes into consideration the social
consequences of its action is most likely to be :
(a) putting the needs of consumers before the company’s need for profit
(b) acting philanthropically to their customers
(c) seeking to combine social benefits with business profitably.
(d) acting like a public sector organization.
Ans. (c)
59. Which of the following is not a benefit for conducting environmental analysis?
(a) Increase organization’s exposure to politically unstable markets
(b) Aid to decision making
(c)Choice of market and marketing mix
(d) Prioritize and manage risk factors
Ans. (a)
60. The most basic concept underlying is that of _________
(a) Needs (b) Products
(c) Wants (d) Customer satisfaction
Ans. (d)
61. Wants can become demands if they are backed by _________
(a) Consumer research (b) Needs
(c) Products (d) Buying power
Ans. (d)
62. What is ‘marketing myopia’ ?
(a) A short-range view that focuses on current wants and loses sight of underlying customer needs
(b) Product, price, promotion, and distribution
(c) Value, satisfaction, and quality
(d) Total Quality Control
Ans. (a)
63. Why is the concept of exchange central an appropriate definition of marketing ?
(a) Transactions require the exchange of money
(b) Exchange is not central to a definition of marketing
(c) Exchange is the only way to get things
(d) Exchange allows a society to produce much more than it would with any other system
Ans. (d)
64. What is a marketing (system) ?
(a) Channels of distribution
(b) The company and its actual or potential customers
(c) A company and all its supporting stakeholders
(d) Exchanges
Ans. (a)
65. The statement that ‘it costs five times as much to attract a new customer as it does to keep an old customer’ means that firm should do what?
(a) Provide quality products
(b) Advertise more
(c) Demarket
(d) Build lasting customer relationships
Ans. (d)
66. What do we call the process of determining target customer’s needs and delivering desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently than competitors do ?
(a) The selling concept (b) The marketing concept
(c) The product concept (d) The production concept
Ans. (b)
67. There are five alternative concepts under which organizations conduct their marketing activities. Which of the following is NOT one of those marketing philosophies ?
(a) Production concept (b) Societal marketing concept
(c) selling concept (d) Profitability concept
Ans. (d)
68. If a company is customer-focused and adopts a marketing concept orientation, the first sign of customer dissatisfaction would be followed by ___________
(a) Reducing marketing expenditures
(b) Customer analysis and feedback and/or product revisions
(c) increasing marketing expenditures
(d) changing advertising messages
Ans. (b)
69. Research on the relationship between marketing stimuli and consumer response is known as :
(a) marketing (b) consumerism
(c) consumer behaviour (d) psychology
Ans. (c)
70. The ‘buyer’s black box’ refers to :
(a) buyer characteristics and buyer decision process
(b) brand and dealer choice
(c) buyer characteristics
(d) marketing stimuli and buyer responses
Ans. (d)
71. Which of the following is NOT an element of the psychological factors influencing consumer behaviour ?
(a) beliefs and attitudes (b) roles and status
(c) perception (d) motivation
Ans. (b)
72. People can form different perceptions of the same stimulus because of :
(a) extensive exposure (b) selective learning
(c) selective distortion (d) extensive distortion
Ans. (c)
73. What does VALS stand for ?
(a) Value And Lifestyle Situations
(b) Values And Lifestyles
(c) Valued Analysis of Lifestyle Segments
(d) Values, Attitudes And Lifestyles Segments
Ans. (d)
74. Variety-seeking buying behaviour is characterized by :
(a) high consumer involvement and few perceived brand differences
(b)high consumer involvement and significant perceived brand differences
(c) low consumer involvement and significant perceived brand differences
(d) low consumer involvement and few perceived brand differences
Ans. (b)
75. The steps of the consumer-decision-making process are :
(a) information search, need recognition, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision, cognitive dissonance
(b) need recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision, post-purchase evaluation
(c) need recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase
(d) need recognition, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision
Ans. (b)
76. Cognitive dissonance is buyer discomfort caused by :
(a) not finding relevant information before buying a product or service
(b) a consumer recognizing a problem or need
(c) post-purchase conflict
(d) the lengthy process of evaluating different alternatives in the buying decision process
Ans. (c)
77. When adopting new products, consumers go through these different stages :
(a) Need recognition, Evaluation, Purchase, Adoption
(b) Interest, Evaluation, Adoption
(c) Awareness, Interest, Trial, Evaluation, Adoption
(d) Awareness, Interest, Evaluation, Trial, Adoption
Ans. (d)
78. Which of the following is NOT a product characteristic that would influence innovation’s adoption rate ?
(a) divisibility (b) communicability
(c) relative advantage (d) perishability
Ans. (d)
79. Companies that sell to other business organizations have to be highly knowledgeable in two major areas :
(a) business markets and the dynamics of business buying behaviour
(b) the ‘kid’ inside the CEO as well as his or her spouse
(c) psychology and the law
(d) advertising and sales
Ans. (a)
80. A business marketer may be selling to any of the following segments EXCEPT :
(a) resellers (b) government
(c) private consumers
(c) private consumers (d) institutions
Ans. (c)
81. Computer software and peripheral equipment are considered to be :
(a) capital items (b) consumer goods
(c consumables (d) materials and parts
Ans. (d)
82. What main differences arise between business and consumer markets ?
(a) Buyers and sellers in business markets work more closely together and build longer lasting relationships
(b) Business markets have fewer but larger buyers, are more geographically concentrated, and exhibit derived demand
(c) Business markets require a more professional purchasing effort and more complex buying decisions
(d) The main differences lie in market structure and demand, the nature of the buying unit, the types of decisions, and the decision process involved
Ans. (d)
83. Organisational demand that ultimately comes from the demand for consumer goods is __________ demand.
(a) inelastic (b) fluctuating
(c) derived (d) elastic
Ans. (c)
84. According to the model of business buyer behaviour, the marketing stimuli for business buying consist of __________
(a) product, price, place, promotion, people and processes
(b) the environment, the buying organization, and buyer responses
(c) low interest rates and an expanding economy
(d) economic, technological, political, cultural, and competitive stimuli
Ans. (a)
85. Levels of market segmentation include mass marketing, segment marketing nichs marketing, and ________
(a) macromarketing (b) positioning
(c) micromarketing (d) industrial (B2B) marketing
Ans. (c)
86. What is the process of dividing a market into distinct groups of buyers, each of which might require separate products or marketing mixes ?
(a) mass marketing (b) market positioning
(c) market targeting (d) market segmentation
Ans. (d)
87. Climate is one way to segment a market using __________ segmentation.
(a) behavioral (b) psychographic
(c) geographic (d) demographic
Ans. (c)
88.Which of the following is not a variable for psychographic segmentation ?
(a) attitude towards the product
(b) personality
(c) values, attitudes and lifestyle
(d) status
Ans. (d)
89. Which segmentation form do marketers depend on most ?
(a) demographic (b) geographic
(c) no one method is used most (d) psychographic
Ans. (c)

Long Questions

Marketing Management

Question bank - UPTU questions

Long Answer Questions
Distinguish between Marketing and Selling
(UPTU, 2004-05)
Marketing begins before the productions of goods and continues even after the sale has been made. Elaborate.
Define and explain critically the term “Marketing” and describe its functions?
(UPTU, 2005-06)
“Marketing is not a function of business. It is the whole business seen from consumer’s point of view.” Explain
What is marketing? Briefly discuss its nature and scope.
(UPTU, 2007-08)
What are the components of Marketing Macro-environment?
“Marketing Environment consists of micro as well as macro factors.” Explain.

(UPTU, 2006-07)
Define Marketing Research? What is its scope in today’s organization?
(UPTU, 2004-05)
What is Marketing Research? Briefly explain its process. What are the advantages and limitations of Marketing Research?
Discuss the importance and definition of Marketing.

What is the nature of Marketing? Briefly Explain
Marketing management is about customer-oriented business. Comment
(UPTU, 2004-05)
“Customer is the King.” Discuss
Differentiate between needs, wants and demands. Can marketers create needs?
(UPTU, 2005-06)
Difference between:
(a) Marketing and Selling
(b) Consumer Market and Industrial Market
(UPTU, 2004-05, 2006-07, 2007-08)
“The natural environment presents both threats and opportunities to marketer.” Elucidate
(UPTU, 2007-08)

Define segmentation? Discuss its importance
(UPTU, 2006-07)
Explain the meaning and benefits of Net Segmentation. Why demographic variables are most common bases of segmentation?
What are the various levels of Segmentation?
(UPTU, 2005-06)
Market can be segmented at 4 levels-niches, local and individuals. Discuss.
What are the different variables of Segmentation?
(UPTU, 2004-05)
What is Segmentation? What is bases? How will you segment the marketing for various products?
Demographic basis of segmentation is very important and useful for the marketer. Comment.
(UPTU, 2006-07)
Why are demographic variables most common variable for segmentation?
Define Product Positioning? Discuss its importance.
(UPTU, 2005-06)
What is Positioning? What are its advantages and disadvantages?
What are the elements of a good positioning strategy?
(UPTU, 2005-06)
What is differentiation? When does it become meaningful?
What are the different bases for product positioning?
(UPTU, 2005-06)
What is differentiation? What are its bases.
Describe the Buyer Box Model?
(UPTU, 2005-06)
Outline the similarities and difference between Industrial marketing and Consumer marketing
.Enumerate the differences between Consumer and Industrial buying?
(UPTU, 2006-07)
Outline the similarities and differences b/w Industrial markets and Consumer markets.
What are the Cultural Factors that affect Consumer Behaviour?
(UPTU, 2004-05)

How does Socio-cultural enact of country affect the buying behaviour of its people?
Discuss the STP strategy in Marketing?
(UPTU, 2007-08)
Target market consists of segmenting. Targeting and Positioning. Explain.
What are the different applications in Consumer Behaviour?
(UPTU, 2004-05)
What is Consumer Behaviour Marketing? How is it useful to Marketing?
What is the role of Social factors in influencing the Consumer Behaviour of buyers?
(UPTU, 2004-05)
What is the affect of socio-cultural environment on the consumer behaviour.
What is segmentation? What are its bases? How will you segment the markets for (i)expensive wrist watches and (ii)inexpensive camera
(UPTU, 2004-05)

What is a Product Mix? Discuss its components
(UPTU, 2004-05)
What is a product? Explain width, depth and consisting of product mix.
What are the different line decisions that the Product manager has to take?
(UPTU, 2005-06)
Explain the terms line extension, brand extensions. What is the risk of Brand extensions?
What are the steps of New Product development?

(UPTU, 2004-05)

Explain the process of New Product Development
What are the prominent causes of failure for new product?
(UPTU, 2004-05)

What are the causes of failure of new product?
Packaging is considered as one of the P’s in the marketing mix. Comment.
(UPTU, 2004-05)

Packaging is 5th P of Marketing Mix. Explain
Packaging and labelling are two important tools. Discuss
(UPTU, 2005-06)
.Define Brand. Discuss its importance.
(UPTU, 2004-05)


Define a ‘Brand’. What is Brand? What are the purpose and limitations of Branding?
(UPTU, 2006-07)
What do you mean by PLC (Product Life Cycle)?
(UPTU, 2006-07

Explain the concept of Product Life Cycle. What strategy would you suggest for decline stage?

Before setting the price of a commodity the demand of the product has to be analysed. Comment.
(UPTU, 2006-07)
Compare Demand Oriented Pricing with Cost Oriented Pricing.
What are the steps in setting up of a Price?
(UPTU, 2005-06)
Explain the steps of Pricing.
What are the different objectives of Pricing?
(UPTU, 2007-08)
What do you mean by Price Skimming?
(UPTU, 2007-08)
Penetration and Skimming are two basis pricing strategies. Elaborate.
Define Price Penetration strategy.
(UPTU, 2007-08)
Penetrating Price. Explain
Define distribution channel and mention its functions?
(UPTU, 2006-07-08)
What is distribution channel? What are its functions?
What is the Trend of retailing in India?
(UPTU, 2004-05)
Define Promotion. What are the various objectives of Promotion?
(UPTU, 2004-05)
Define Promotion. What is a promotion Mix?
What is Promotion Mix?
(UPTU, 2004-05)
Discuss the nature and scope of Advertising.
(UPTU, 2007-08)
What is Advertising? What is the objective?
Discuss the 5 M’s of Advertising
(UPTU, 2005-06)

Briefly explain the major decisions in developing an Advertising Program.
Define Personal Selling. Discuss its merits and demerits.
(UPTU, 2006-07)
What is Personal Selling? How is it different from Advertising?
What do you mean by Direct Marketing?
(UPTU, 2004-05)
What is Direct Marketing? Discuss limitations and objectives.
.How is Service marketing different from product marketing?
(UPTU, 2006-07)
Marketing of Services.
Services Marketing
(UPTU, 2004-05)
What is Sales Promotion? Why is it important for any marketing organizations?
(UPTU, 2006-07)
Define Sales Promotion. What is its method?
What is Sales Promotion? What are its purpose and methods?
(UPTU, 2005-06)
Define CRM (Customer Relationship Management). Discuss its importance
(UPTU, 2005-06)
What is Relationship Marketing?
(UPTU, 2004-05)
Define Rural Marketing. Discuss its scope in India
(UPTU, 2005-06-07-08)
Rural Marketing
Discuss Internet Marketing. B2B, B2C and C2C.
(UPTU, 2004-05)
B2B Marketing
Explain significance of B2B Marketing
(UPTU, 2005-06)

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