Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Organisational Behaviour-Question Bank
Q.1. Theory Y approximates to:
(a) employee orientation (b) Production orientation
(c) Employment orientation (d) Input orientation
Q.2. A theory X manager would assume employees would:
(a) Like work (b) Seek responsibility
(c) Needed to be controlled (d) Exercise self direction
Q.3. Forces affecting organization behaviour are
(a) People (b) Environment
(c) Technology (d) All of the above
Q.4. Which of the following concepts are associated with scientific Management?
(i) Mental Revolution (ii) Unity of Command
(iii) Thumb Rule (iv) Time & Motion study
Select the correct code:
(a) (i), (ii) & (iii) (b) (ii), (iii) & (iv)
(c) (i) & (iii) (d) (i), (iii) & (iv)
Q.5. Model which emerge out due to insecurity & frustration is
(a) Custodial Model (b) Supportive Model
(c) Collegial Model (d) None of the above
Q.6 The concept which reveal people organization relationship as a whole social system is:
(a) Social concept (b) Holistic concept
(c) Individual concept (d) None of the above
Q.7. Which of the following is not a case topic of OB
(a) Motivation (b) Attitude development
(c) Conflict (d) Resource Allocation
Q.8. In present context, challenges of OB are
(a) Globalization (b) Work force diversity
(c) Employee expectation (d) All of the above
Q.9. Who stated that four P's "Person, process, purpose & place" are the basis of organization?
(a) Demock (b) Max Webber
(c) Henry Fayol (d) Luther Gulick
Q.10. Organization Behaviour is:
(a) A science (b) An art
(c) A science as well as an art (d) None of the above
Q.11. An OB study would be least likely to be used to focus on which of the following problems:
(a) An increase in absenteeism (b) A fall in productivity
(c) A fall in sale (d) Increase in theft by employee
Q.12. Hawthorne experiments were conducted by :
(a) F. W. Taylor (b) Henry Fayol
(c) Elton Mayo (d) B.F. Skinner
Q.13. Hawthorne experiments are related to
(a) Classical theory (b) System's theory
(c) Scientific Management (d) Human Relation theory
Q.14. According to Luthans & his associates which of the following is considered a part of traditional Management
(a) Discipline (b) Decision Making
(c) Exchanging Routine Information (d) Investing
Q.15. Elton Mayo is known as the father of:
(a) Scientific Management School (b) Management Process
(c) Human Relation School (d) Empirical School
Q.16. Which of the following choices is not a level of analysis in OB
(a) Individual level (b) Group level
(c) Organizational level (d) Customer's level
Q.17. Weber's concept of Bureaucracy is an example of:
(a) Contingency Approach (b) Scientific Management
(c) Classical Organization Theory (d) None of the above
Q.18. What approach rejects the idea of any single, most effective approach to managing behaviour in an organization?
(a) Contingency Approach (b) Human Relation Movement
(c) System's Approach (d) None of the above
Q.19. This Science studies behaviour in various conditions normal, abnormal, social, industrial legal childhood, adolescence, old age etc.
(a) Anthropology (b) Psychology
(c) Sociology (d) Political Science
Q.20. Which of the following statement is true about job satisfaction & productivity
(a) There is a strong correlation between job satisfaction and individual productivity
(b) Organizations that have happy workers tends to be more productive
(c) It is possible to measure .S. in terms of productivity
(d) None of the above
Q.21. Determinants of Personality are:
(a) Heredity (b) Environment
(c) Situation (d) All of the above
Q.22 Perceiving a person on the basis of group to which he belongs
(a) Halo effect (b) Contrast effect
(c) Stereotype (d) Selective perception
Q.23 Process by which individuals organize & interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment
(a) Attitude (b) Perception
(c) Learning (d) Personality
Q.24 Tendency to select certain objects from the environment for attention is called:
(a) P. Selectivity (b) P. Organization
(c) P. distortion (d) None

Q.25. Extroverts are
(a) Shy & Quite (b) Gregarious & Sociable
(c) Analytical (d) Self Centired
Q.26. Psychoanalytical personality theory was given by
(a) Sigmund Freud (b) Myers Briggs
(c) Erikson (d) G.W. Allport
Q.27. Which of the following is not a theory of learning
(a) Cognitive (b) Conditioning
(c) Moral (d) Social
Q.28. Which one is not a type of reinforcement schedule:
(a) Fixed Ratio (b) Mixed Ratio
(c) Fixed Interval (d) Variable Interval
Q.29. Operant model of learning was given by
(a) B. F. Skinner (b) Evan Pavlov
(c) Bell (d) Marc Walliance
Q.30. Cognitive theory of learning is based on work of
(a) Toleman (b) Skinner
(c) Bell (d) E. Berne
Q.31. If a recruiter chooses not to hire a former football player because he believes, football players are not very intelligent, he is exhibiting which type of perceptual bias:
(a) Projection (b) Stereotyping
(c) Selective perception (d) Halo effect
Q.32. Psychoanalytical personality theory was given by
(a) Sigund Freud (b) Myers Briggs
(c) Erikson (d) G.W. Allport
Q.33. Evaluating statements & judgments concerning people or events are called:
(a) Attitude (b) Perception
(c) Personality (d) Learning
Q.34. Attitude can be changed by changing
(a) Behaviour (b) Ideas & Beliefs
(c) Feelings & Emotions (d) All of the above
Q.35. Semantic differential scale of measurement was developed by
(a) Likert (b) Thurstone
(c) Chave & Menon (d) Osgood & Tanenbauns
Q.36. Learning curve was introduced by
(a) Joseph Cult & Harry Ingham (b) Bryan & Harter
(c) Ellon Mayo & Skinner (d) None of the above
Q.37. What do we call the view that we can learn both through observation & direct experiences
(a) Situation learning (b) Pavlov principle
(c) Social learning theory (d) Hands on learning experience
Q.38. Cognitive theory of learning is based on work of
(a) Toleman (b) Skinner
(c) Bell (d) E. Berne
Q.39. ______________ is a change in behaviour as a result of experience
(a) Learning (b) Perception
(c) Personality (d) Attitude

Q.40. Likert System / suggests :
(a) Exploitative Autocratic Leadership
(b) Benevolent Autocratic Leadership
(c) Participative Leadership
(d) None of the above
Q.41. In system / Likert suggested that leaders have:
(a) Sufficient confidence & trust in subordinates
(b) Complete confidence & trust in subordinates
(c) No confidence & trust in subordinates
(d) Less confidence & trust in subordinates
Q.34. According to which theory leadership is multi-dimensional:
(a) Behavioural theory (b) Situational theory
(c) Trait theory (d) None of the above
Q.35. Managerial Grid suggest the following as the best leader behaviour:
(a) Low structure & Low consideration
(b) High concern for both production and people
(c) Low concern for both production & people
(d) High structure & High consideration
Q.36. This theory is based or 2 dimension concern for people & production
(a) The Ohio state studies (b) The Managerial grid
(c) Path Goal theory (d) LPC leadership theory
Q.37. This leadership style is based on the belief that "Boss is always right", he should give the orders which must be obeyed by the subordinates"
(a) Democratic (b) Laissez Faire
(c) Autocratic (d) None of the above
Q.38. "Leaders are born not made", is the belief of
(a) Trait theory (b) Saturation theory
(c) Behavioural theory (d) Situational theory
Q.39. The choice of leadership style depends on
(a) Forces in Managers (b) Forces in Subordinates
(c) Forces in Situation (d) All of the above
Q.40. The ultimate aim of all leadership theories & model is to built
(a) A cause and effect relationship
(b) A leadership model
(c) A process that leads to optimization
(d) A postulate to maximizing benefits
Q.41. Content theories of motivation concentrate on
(a) What? (b) When?
(c) How? (d) Why?
Q.42. A motivation theory without empirical support but one that is widely coined is
(a) Equity theory (b) Valence theory
(c) Maslow's hierarchy of needs (d) Alderfer's ERG theory
Q.43. Herzberg 2 factor theory has been criticized on several bases, included the fact that :
(a) It has a heavily negative bias about human nature
(b) There is no empirical support for this theory
(c) The key needs that drive individual motivation are not addressed
(d) The reliability of his methodology is questionable
Q.44. Alderfer's ERG theory argues that:
(a) There are 2 core groups of needs
(b) People of all culture rank needs the same way
(c) More than 1 need may be operative at the same time
(d) Human needs appear in a sequential hierarchy & lower needs must be met before higher needs can be
Q.45. According to Mc Clelland's theory individuals dominated by achievement needs:
(a) Seeks moderate risk, feedback and personal responsibility
(b) Desire to have an impact, to be influential & to control others
(c) Want to be liked & accepted by others
(d) None of the above
Q.46. According to Goal Setting theory individuals will perform better if they:
(a) Participate in their goal setting
(b) Receive feedback
(c) Receive continuous reinforcement
(d) Are given relative easy goals
Q.47. Motivation will be higher when:
(a) An individual is provided with an opportunity to perform
(b) Reward reinforce individual performance
(c) Employees perceive a strong relationship
(d) All of the above elements are present
Q.48. Transactional movement in Psychotherapy was started by
(a) Timothy (b) Noel Jones
(c) Eric Berne (d) Adrian Keplel
Q.49. Johari Window was proposed by
(a) Joseph Luft (b) Harri Ingham
(c) Both of the above (d) None of the above
Q.50. These types of transactions are helpful in maintaining flow of information among the members of organization
(a) Non complementary (b) Complementary
(c) Ulterior (d) Gallows
Q.51. The communication which has double meaning in this trasactions:
(a) Complementary (b) Non complementary
(c) Ulterior (d) Gallows
Q.52. Which of the following is not a type of group:
(a) Primary (b) Secondary
(c) Tertiary (d) Reference
Q.53. Group cohesiveness is increased with each of the following except:
(a) When the group is heterogeneous
(b) When members spend time together
(c) When external threat exists
(d) When the group is smaller in size
Q.54. The stage in group development which is characterized by
(a) Storming (b) Norming
(c) Forming (d) Performing
Q.55. _______________ tell members what they ought and ought not to do under certain circumstances
(a) Norms (b) Rules
(c) Policies (d) Orders
Q.56. The groups created deliberately by the management to perform the assigned duties is called:
(a) Interest group (b) Reference group
(c) Informal group (d) Formal group
Q.57. Which of the theories were proposed by Douglas Mc Gregor?
(a) Theory X & Y (b) CRG Theory
(c) 2 Factor Theory (d) Expectancy Theory
Q.58. An individual who joins armed forces out of a desire to be involved in an enterprise that require a high degree of co-operation for success probably would have:
(a) n Ach (b) n Pow
(c) n Aff (d) n Lov
Q.59. Herzberg in his 2 factor theory states that job satisfaction is concerned with
(a) Job content (b) Job Rotation
(c) Job context (d) None of the above
Q.60. According to Herzberg, job dissatisfaction arises because of
(a) Job content (b) Job context
(c) Job enrichment (d) None of the above

Q.61 Kurt Lewin is known for
(a) Behavioural School Analysis (b) Gestalt and Force Field
(c) Psycho-Analytical Theory (d) Structuralism
Q.62 Who suggested unfreezing, change & refreezing stages?
(a) Chris Argyris (b) Kurt Lewin
(c) William Riddin (d) Vroom
Q.63 Which of the following is not a valid statement about values?
(a) Values tends to differ by occupation
(b) Value change slowly
(c) Values are relatively stable & enduring
(d) Values are established in adulthood.

Q.64 ______________ has identified power based into positional and personal
(a) Raven (b) Kaplan
(c) Lasswell (d) French
Q.65 The extent to which one person has control over rewards
(a) Legitimate Power (b) Reward Power
(c) Coercive Power (d) Expert Power
Q.66 Which of the following is not the base of power
(a) Reward Power (b) Institutional Power
(c) Positional Power (d) Legitimate Power
Q.67. Which of the following is not a cornerstone of emotional intelligence
(a) Emotional alchemy (b) Emotional freedom
(c) Emotional depth (d) Emotional fitness
Q.68. Emotional Intelligence is critical to effective leadership because one of its case component is
(a) Empathy (b) Participation
(c) Openness (d) Good Memory
Q.69. Resistance to change can be positive because
(a) It provides a degree of stability to behaviour and productivity
(b) Without some resistance, OB would lake on characteristics of chaotic randomness
(c) Resistance can be a source of functional conflict
(d) None of the above
(e) All of the above
Q.70. Conflicts can be managed by
(a) Avoidance (b) Problem solving
(c) Compromise (d) All of the above
Q.71. Grievance are of these forms
(a) Factual (b) Imaginary
(c) Disguised (d) All of the above
Q.72. All except 1 is a method of identification of grievance
(a) Exit Interviews (b) Suggestion box system
(c) Opinion survey (d) Closed door policy
Q.73. Employees in burnout shows
(a) Irritation (b) Frustration
(c) Error in work (d) All of the above
Q.74. GAS is
(a) General adaptation syndrome (b) Great adamant system
(c) Good adaptation syndrome (d) None of the above
Q.75. Positive aspect of stress is known as
(a) Eu-stress (b) Di-stress
(c) Pro-stress (d) None of the above
Q.76. Stress prone personality is known as
(a) Type A (b) Type B
(c) Type C (d) Type D
Q.77. Organizational culture is based on
(a) Values (b) Norms
(c) Positive Attitudes (d) All of the above
Q.78. It communicates organizational culture by unspoken massages:
(a) Symbols (b) Stories
(c) Heroes (d) Values
Q.79. In ______________ culture core values of organization are widely shared and embraced by large number of employee
(a) Strong (b) Weak
(c) Participative (d) Descriptive
Q.80. Organizational culture is view as _____________ image by public
(a) Social (b) Corporate
(c) Mental (d) Physical
Q.81. Consider the following stages of planned change :
1. Change 2. Refreezing 3. Unfreezing
According to Kurt Lewin the correct sequence of these is:
(a) 1 2 3 (b) 2 3 1
(c) 3 1 2 (d) 1 3 2
Q.82. The forces in an organization which helps in effecting change from the present position of equilibrium are known as
(a) Changing forces (b) Restraining forces
(c) Driving forces (d) Equilibrium forces
Q.83. Which of the following factor is not associated with inter group conflict?
(a) Vertical relationships (b) Resource sharing
(c) Uncertainty (d) Incompatible goals
Q.84. The concept of emotional intelligence was introduced by:
(a) Peter Salovey (b) John Mayor
(c) Goleman (d) Both (a) & (b)
Q.85. When people resist change because they fear what they want to hear and they ignore information that challenges those perceptions; they are resisting change because of which of the following:
(a) Economic factors (b) Their security needs
(c) Their fear of the unknown (d) Selective information processing
Q.86. When employees are fully informed about a change effort, they have participated in making the decisions but their anxiety level is high, and time is not critical, an excellent tactic for overcoming resistance to change and reducing anxiety would include which of the following
(a) Education and communication (b) Facilitation and support
(c) Negotiation (d) Manipulation and Co-optation
Q.87. A population approach to manage change that involves examining how to increase the individual behaviour that support the change effort and how to decrease anything that hinders movement away from the existing equilibrium is:
(a) Action research (b) Organizational development
(c) Lewin's three-step model (d) Process consultation
Q.88. All except one is not an approach of organizational change:
(a) Structural (b) Technological
(c) Process (d) People
Q.89. Organizational culture is based on
(a) Values (b) Norms
(c) +ve attitude (d) All of the above
Q.90. Manifestation of Industrial conflicts are
(a) Strikes (b) Lock outs
(c) Lay off (d) Both (a) & (b)

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