Tuesday, December 8, 2009

DBMS Question Bank

Question Bank

Subject-DBMS Faculty-Nidhi Bhatia

1. In ER Model entity sets are represented by……………….
2. A database schema is represented by special language called………
3. Database at particular moment is called………..
4. Database is manipulated by language called……….
5. …….. are unsophisticated users who interact with the system.
6. ………….is a language in which user request information from database.
7. Hiding up database design complexities is called………..
8. ……….guard against accidental damage of data.
9. A constraint on permissible values of a column is…………….
10. The process of breaking up of schema is called………..
11. A………..key allows unique values.
12 A minimal super key is called…………
13 A row in DBMS is called …………..
14 A combination of various database objects that supports reusability……………
15 Data about data is called…………
16 Attributes which allow single values are called…………
17 ………………..is a repository of data.
18 Data Model which is based on inheritance is……………….
19 Sql clause to change schema of a relation…………
20 One of the responsibilities of a ______ is to create database schema
21 Primary key is ______ level constraint.
22 The maximum number of characters that can be stored in a CHAR type of data is _____
23 In Network Model ……………….relationship is represented.
24 Before DBMS ………….system was used.
25 Any thing in this real world which is distinguishable is………….
26 ………..model supports data in form of tables.
27 ……………..database object is used for row wise complex processing.
28 ……………..are events fired at some DML operations.
29 ……………..are constraints on permissible values
30 ……………….anomalies is present in bad data base design.
31 ……………is method to access information stored long distant apart.
32 …………………defines that an attribute is dependent on part of primary key.

1. What are the components of the DBMS? Explain with architectural diagram?
2. Explain some types of database users.
3. What are Data Models? Describe in detail.
4. Explain database management system organization, differentiate DBMS and RDBMS
5. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of using database management system.
6. Differentiate between the following:-

Logical and physical data independence

Case Study:-
1. Considering yourself a Programmer, if you are sent to a college called IIMT MANAGEMENT COLLEGE, prepare a database of library system, Make relations yourself and apply constraints on it discuss the FD that can exist.
2. Write Notes on some emerging trends in DBMS giving examples.

1. Describe Data Mining and Knowledge extraction through it.
2. What is Data Warehouse? Discuss its need
3. What is Functional Dependency? Describe in detail.
4. What do you mean by term RDBMS? What are its characteristics, pitfalls? How the
Pitfalls may be removed?
5. Describe Integrity Constraints in detail.

Case Study:-
1. Develop a database for maintain organization structure and employee
Details of an organization.
2. Explain how Nulls are treated in comparison operators in SQL. How are
Nulls treated when Aggregate functions are applied in SQL Query?
Explain with example
1. Develop a ER Model for the following
(i) Customer deposit money from his bank
2. Specify the following queries in relational algebra:
Supplier (sid, sname, address)
Part (sid , pname, color)
Catalog (sid, pid, cost)
(i) Find name of the supplier who supply some red or green part.
(ii) Find sids of suppliers who supply every part
(iii) Find the sids of suppliers who supply red and green parts
(iv) List the operations of the relational algebra and the purpose of each.


1. What are procedures and functions in Sql? Explain giving suitable examples

2. Give short notes on views, snapshots, indexes and cursors.

3. Give syntax of
Triggers, Cursors, Functions and Procedures, Packages
4. What are database views? What constraints follow these rules, explain giving
appropriate example?

Case Study:-

1. Develop a ER Model for the following
(ii) Customer withdraws money from his bank
(iii) Student attend classes

1. Describe some database utilities.
2. Short note on Remote data Access

3. What is Basic database organization? Explain.
4. Explain rights of a DBA

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