Monday, December 14, 2009


Q.1. Theory X & theory Y were given by
(a) Abhram Maslow (b) Douglas Mc. Gregor
(c) Fredrick Herzberg (d) Henry Fayol
Q.2. "Motivation & Personality" was written by:
(a) D. Mc. Gregor (b) H. Fayol
(c) Ab. maslow (d) F. Herzberg
Q.3. If recruiter chooses to hire a person be he attended the same institute he did, he has given into:
(a) Stereotype (b) Halo effect
(c) Projection / similar to me effect (d) Selective Perception
Q.4. Which impression management technique describing events that make oneself look good.
(a) Opinion of conformity (b) Personal stories
(c) Excuses (d) All of the above
Q.5. ________________ is the extent to which individuals are co-operative warm & agreeableness Vs cold disagreeable & rigid.
(a) Conscientiousness (b) Extroversion-Introversion
(c) Agreeableness (d) None of the above
Q.6. ________________ is the degree to which individuals are gregarious, assertive & sociable Vs reserve timid & quite.
(a) Conscientiousness (b) Extroversion
(c) Agreeableness (d) None of the above
Q.7. ________________ is the degree to which individuals are calm, self confident & secure Vs insecure, anxious, depressed & emotional
(a) Conceit (b) Openness to exp.
(c) Emotional stability (d) None OF the above.
Q.8. _____________ refers to an individual's belief concerning his/her ability to perform specific task successfully.
(a) Self Monitoring (b) Machiavellianism
(c) Self efficiency (d) Cognition
Q.9. Psychoanalytical personality theory was given by
(a) Sigmund Freud (b) Myers Briggs
(c) Erikson (d) G.W. Allport
Q.10. Which of the following statement about personality is correct:
(a) Personally is always stable
(b) Personality is a part of person
(c) Personality is an aggregate whole
(d) Personality is the primary source of emotion.
Q.11. Extroverts are
(a) Shy & Quite (b) Gregarious & Sociable
(c) Analytical (d) Self Centered
Q.12. Maturity Immaturity theory of personality was given by
(a) Chris Argyris (b) Raymond
(c) S. Freud (d) G. W. Allport
Q.13. MMPI (Minnesota Multiphase Personality Inventory) is
(a) Personality Test (b) Perception Test
(c) Performance Test (d) Attitude Test
Q.14. 16 Personality trait theory was given by
(a) Cattell (b) Festinger
(c) Rogers (d) Sheldon
Q.15. Determinants of Personality are:
(a) Heredity (b) Environment
(c) Situation (d) All of the above
Q.16. Following are the 3 A's of Happiness
(a) Achievement, Autonomy & Assertiveness
(b) Affection, Autonomy & Attraction
(c) Achievement, affection & acceptance
(d) Affection, Assertiveness & Attraction
Q.17. Chris Argyris M-IM theory covers
(a) 4 dimension (b) 5 dimension
(c) 7 dimension (d) 16 dimension
Q.18. Which of the following is not a danger signal in personality sickness
(a) Immaturity (b) Regression
(c) Cruelty (d) Anti Social Behaviour
(e) Manipulation
Q.19. Healthy personality is reflected by
(a) HP Syndrome (b) Manic Syndrome
(c) Psychopathic Syndrome (d) Aggressive Syndrome
Q.20. Which of the following is not a least stable trait
(a) Bravery (b) Exactness
(c) Shyness (d) Jealousy
Q.21. Which of the following is an obstacle in changing self concept
(a) Intellectual factors (b) Emotional factors
(c) Environmental factors (d) All of the above
Q.22. Which of the following is a Molding technique of personality
(a) Child Gaining (b) Identification
(c) None of the above (d) Both (a) and (b)
Q.23. Which of the following is the technique for child training
(a) Authoritarian & Democratic (b) Authoritarian & Custodial
(c) Authoritarian & E. Stability (d) Custodial & Democratic
Q.24. The 3 components of self concept are:
(a) Perceptual, conceptual & attitudinal
(b) Perceptual, conceptual & learning
(c) Perceptual, conceptual & Motivational
(d) Perceptual, Motivational & Behavioural
Q.25. If a lady feels that she is versatile enough and can perform better in his personal & professional life, but her in-laws feel that the role of a daughter-in-law is only to serve her family is the discrepancy between
(a) Basic self concept & Mirror (b) Basic & Ideal self concept
(c) Physical & Psychological (d) Social & Ideal SC
Q.26. A boy, who use to score I position almost all the academic level & various others extracurricular activities like singing etc, get eliminated in the preliminary round of the Mega Model hunt of his state, get depressed & confused about his future is the discrepancy between
(a) Basic self concept & Mirror (b) Basic & Ideal self concept
(c) Physical & Psychological (d) Social & Ideal SC
Q.27. Which of the following is not a short cut to judge personality
(a) Physiognomy (b) Phrenology
(c) Personology (d) Graphology
Q.28. Barriers to attitudinal change are
(a) Providing additional infn (b) Result of inadequate infn
(c) Prior commitment (d) Both (b) & (c)
Q.29. Semantic differential scale of measurement was developed by
(a) Likert (b) Thurstone
(c) Chave & Menon (d) Osgood & Tanenbaum
Q.30. The form of learning in which people associate the consequences of their actions with the actions themselves is referred to as
(a) Cross cultural training (b) Operant conditioning
(c) Observational Learning (d) None of the above
Q.31. Learning curve was introduced by
(a) Joseph Cult & Harry Ingham (b) Bryan & Harter
(c) Elton Mayo & Skinner (d) None of the above
Q.32. What do we call the view that we can learn both through observation & direct experiences
(a) Situation learning (b) Pavlov principle
(c) Social learning theory (d) Hands on learning experience
Q.33. Experiments performed by Russian Psychologist IVAN PAVLOV led to what theory
(a) Classical conditioning (b) Operant Conditioning
(c) Cognitive L. Th. (d) Social L. Th.
Q.34. Learning can be defined as
(a) Temporary change in personality
(b) Permanent change in personality
(c) No change in behaviour
(d) Reinforcement
Q.35. Operant conditioning is based on
(a) Law of Inertia (b) Law of effect
(c) Law of nature (d) Law of behaviour
Q.36. Which of the following is not a theory of learning
(a) Cognitive (b) Conditioning
(c) Moral (d) Social
Q.37. Which one is not a type of reinforcement schedule:
(a) Fixed Ratio (b) Mixed Ratio
(c) Fixed Interval (d) Variable Interval
Q.38. Operant model of learning was given by
(a) B. F. Skinner (b) Evan Pavlov
(c) Bell (d) Marc Walliance
Q.39. Cognitive theory of learning is based on work of
(a) Toleman (b) Skinner
(c) Bell (d) E. Berne
Q.40. ______________ is a change in behaviour as a result of experience
(a) Learning (b) Perception
(c) Personality (d) Attitude
Q.41. _______________ Learning is achieved through the reciprocal interaction between people behaviour and their environment.
Q.42. ____________________ is based on the principle that if a response is not reinforced, it will eventually disappear.
Q.43. Retention means remembrance of learned behaviour overtime
Q.44. Cognitive learning is achieved by thinking about the perceived relationship between events & individual goals.
Q.45. Which of the following statement is true about job satisfaction & productivity
(a) There is a strong correlation between job satisfaction and individual productivity
(b) Organizations that have happy workers tends to be more productive
(c) It is possible to measure .S. in terms of productivity
(d) None of the above
Q.46 Motivation will be higher when:
(a) An individual is provided with an opportunity to perform
(b) Reward reinforce individual performance
(c) Employees perceive a strong relationship
(d) All of the above elements are present
Q.47. Transactional movement in Psychotherapy was started by
(a) Timothy (b) Noel Jones
(c) Eric Berne (d) Adrian Keplel
Q.48. Johari Window was proposed by
(a) Joseph Luft (b) Harri Ingham
(c) Both of the above (d) None of the above
Q.49. _____________ is the pattern of behaviour that a person develops as he or she groups up based on his/her accumulated network of feelings and experience:
(a) Ego states (b) Life Positions
(c) Script Analysis (d) Strokes
Q.50. These types of transactions are helpful in maintaining flow of information among the members of organization
(a) Non complementary (b) Complementary
(c) Ulterior (d) Gallows
Q.51. The communication which has double meaning in this transactions:
(a) Complementary (b) Non complementary
(c) Ulterior (d) Gallows
Q.52. A situation in which an individual is confronted by divergent role expectation
(a) Role expectation (b) Role conflict
(c) Role identity (d) Role perception
Q.53. The combination of assumptions about oneself and other person is called:
(a) Life Positions (b) Script Analysis
(c) Ego states (d) Stroke
Q.54. The most effective transaction at work is
(a) Child-Adult (b) Adult-Adult
(c) Adult-Parent (d) Parent-Parent
Q.55. A basic unit of interaction is
(a) Networking (b) Communication
(c) Transaction (d) Co-ordination
Q.56. Equity theory of motivation is formulated by
(a) J.S. Adam (b) Mc Gregor
(c) Malsow (d) Merzberg
Q.57. Brain storming is
(a) Used to build group cohesiveness
(b) A technique that tends to restrict independent thinking
(c) A process of generating ideas
(d) Used mainly when group members cannot agree on a solution
Q.58. Which of the following is not a type of group:
(a) Primary (b) Secondary
(c) Tertiary (d) Reference
Q.59 Sensitivity Training is also known as
(a) Laboratory training (b) T-group training
(c) Both (a) & (b) (d) None of the above
Q.60 Orientation is generally given to:
(i) New entrants (ii) Previous employees
(iii) Supervisory staff
Q.61 Off-the-job training is given:
(i) outside the factory gate (ii) in the class room
(iii) on the days
Q.62 Vestibule training is provided:
(i) on the job (ii) in the class room
(iii) in the training department
Q.63 Decision making technique
(i) in basket exercise (ii) Transactional analysis
(iii) Role playing (iv) All of above
Q.64 Technique used to develop interpersonal skills:
(i) Case study (ii) Management games
(iii) Transactional analysis (iv) In basket exercise
Q.65 Management games are used for
(i) Executive development programmes
(ii) Selection of employees
(iii) Job evaluation
(iv) None of the above